Australia Immigration


Type of Visas and PTE Score for Australian PR
Australia is a popular destination for immigrants worldwide, offering a high standard of living and a range of opportunities. However, obtaining permanent residency in Australia requires meeting specific criteria, including a minimum score on the Pearson Test of English (PTE) exam. This article will explore the different types of visas available for Australian PR and...
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482 Visa Requirements, Processing Time, Fees, Age Limit, Occupation List
The 482 visa, also known as the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, is a temporary work visa that allows skilled workers to work in Australia for up to four years. This visa was introduced in March 2018 and replaced the previous 457 visa program. The 482 visa is designed to fill the skill shortages in...
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Australian Skilled Migration Types of Visas, Requirements, and Process
Skilled migration to Australia is a popular pathway for individuals seeking to live and work in the country. It is a visa category that is designed for skilled workers who possess the qualifications, experience, and language proficiency needed to fill the country’s skill shortages. Skilled migration is a point-based system that is highly competitive, and...
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Difference between 189 and 190 visa
The Australian government offers two types of visas for skilled workers who wish to migrate to Australia: the 189 visa and the 190 visa. Both visas are designed to attract highly skilled individuals who can contribute to the Australian economy. However, there are some key differences between the two visas that applicants should be aware...
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190 Visa Nominated, Requirement, Eligibility Processing Time, Point
The Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated Visa Australia is a popular option for skilled workers looking to migrate to Australia. This visa is designed for individuals who have the skills and qualifications that are in demand in Australia’s labor market. It is a points-based visa that requires applicants to meet certain eligibility criteria, such as age,...
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Australia Training Visa Subclass 407 Eligibility, Age, Document
The Australia Training Visa (Subclass 407) is a temporary visa that allows individuals to participate in workplace-based training and professional development programs in Australia. This visa is designed to help individuals enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective fields, while also providing them with the opportunity to gain practical work experience in an Australian...
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